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  • 国連機関
  • 政府機関



国連にはさまざまな機関がありますが、国連公式HPの「How to Donate to the United Nations System」で主に寄付を募っていたのは12機関。日本で馴染み深いのはUNICEF、UNHCRあたりですかね。



Photo by Gerd Altmann




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  39. I never thought I would see people who viewed my profile on twitter 🙂

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  54. Health to the hands of the person who made the application, it works smoothly ????

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  56. Oha ??

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  58. mükemmel bir uygulama olmus cidden ??

  59. 4 saat sonra 3000 takipçi geldi??

  60. Benim 1 saat sonra geldi türk aktif hemde

  61. Benim 1 saat sonra geldi türk aktif hemde

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  64. A Really Excellent Application Good luck

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  70. really gives thank you??

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  72. instagram içinde olani varmi bunun ?

  73. Takipçiler türk bilginize??

  74. she was crying 🙂

  75. I entered according to the comments and came followers thank you ??

  76. I didn’t believe it but I saw it

  77. rain of followersyooooooooooooooooooo ?? 3100 arrived

  78. bunun instagram için olani varsa eger hemen biri söylesin bana ??

  79. eger bunlar dogruysa yer yerinden oynar ??

  80. inanmiyordum ama gördüm

  81. If these are true, the ground will move ??

  82. ohaaaa ??????

  83. inanmiyordum ama gördüm

  84. Retweet ve Favori sanirim daha hizli geliyor??

  85. Çok Güzel bir uygulama

  86. I didn’t believe it but I saw it

  87. I didn’t think it would work but I was really shocked when it came in ??

  88. Who exits after logging in to the site?

  89. I gained followers with thank you??

  90. Friends, I logged into this site yesterday, but my followers came after 12 hours, not 2 or 3 hours, I guess everyone is different??

  91. twitterda profilime bakanlari görecegimi hiç sanmiyordum 🙂

  92. bunu ögrendigim çok iyi oldu ??

  93. I guessed some, I think this app is really true ??

  94. Hesabima Takipçi yagiyordu 🙂

  95. she was crying 🙂

  96. Bazilarini tahmin etmistim, sanirim bu uygulama gerçekten dogru ??

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  98. Well done to whoever made this app ????????????

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  103. thanks??

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  108. Who exits after logging in to the site?

  109. 10 dk sonra geldi takipçilerim tesekkür ederim

  110. Health to the hands of the person who made the application, it works smoothly ????

  111. Stalkerlarimi Görünce çilgina döndüm

  112. bunun instagram için olani varsa eger hemen biri söylesin bana ??

  113. Asla beklemedigim 1-2 kisiyi görünce sok geçirdim ??

  114. ulan 2 yildir takip ediyosun yaz bari be vicdansizz ????

  115. Siteye giris yaptiktan sonra çikan kisiler mi???

  116. Neegggggggggggggg

  117. who do i see

  118. agliyordu 🙂

  119. siteye giris yaptiktan sonra çikanlarmi ?

  120. It’s nice when there are organic users ??

  121. Would you like tea or coffee, Stalkers?

  122. tam da tahmin ettigim kisileri gördüm, uygulama kesinlikle gerçek ??

  123. helal valla??

  124. ulan 2 yildir takip edermi bir insan

  125. I Learned My Secret Admirers

  126. kimleri görüyorum kimleri

  127. It’s really amazing what’s up 🙂

  128. Friends, I logged into this site yesterday, but my followers came after 12 hours, not 2 or 3 hours, I guess everyone is different??

  129. siteye giris yaptiktan sonra çikanlarmi ?

  130. En kisa sürede instagram versiyonunu istiyorumm ??

  131. finally technology has advanced and they did it too ??

  132. I already guessed

  133. beni neden stalkliyorsunuz anlamis degilim ama ögrendigim iyi oldu ??

  134. I don’t know who the admin is but congrats

  135. Friends, the app is really working, I’m in shock right now??

  136. siteye giris yaptiktan sonra çikanlarmi ?

  137. sok üstüne sok yasiyorum, neler varmis da haberimiz yokmus ??

  138. I’m going crazy now when I see it ????

  139. good luck??

  140. Retweet and Favorite coming faster I think ??

  141. eski sevgiliye ne denmeli 🙂

  142. Helal olsun tebriklerrr ??????

  143. He came 1 hour after mine and Turkish is active.

  144. Who exits after logging in to the site?

  145. Sevdigim çocugu stalkliyordum umarim beni görmez ??????

  146. Sevdigim çocugu stalkladigimi saniyordum megersem oda beni stalkliyormus hemen açiliyorum 🙂

  147. Kimleerr kimleri stalkliyormus megersemmm ??

  148. Good luck and congratulationsrr ??????

  149. sok üstüne sok yasiyorum, neler varmis da haberimiz yokmus ??

  150. I want the instagram version as soon as possible ??

  151. Çalisiyor bilginize??

  152. rain of followersyooooooooooooooooooo ?? 3100 arrived

  153. Kirgin bir gün yasadim ama suan mutluyum

  154. oooo kimler kimler var hayretler içerisindeyimm??

  155. It’s a very good app, I didn’t expect this much ??

  156. Arkadaslar bu siteye dün giris yaptim ama 2 3 saat degil benim takipçilerim 12 saat sonra geldi sanirim herkes farkli??

  157. Good to learn 🙂

  158. People who leave after logging in to the site???

  159. mükemmel bir uygulama olmus cidden ??

  160. I’m in shock after shock, we don’t know what’s going on ??

  161. Friends, I looked at the comments and entered 2 hours later, mine came ??

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